So, I'm going to spend the next few posts trying to get caught up and since you've obviously got nothing better to do than read this drivel that I try to pass off as creative writing, you get to get caught up with me and hear about some of the cool rides I did over the summer.
Tahoe Day 2 - Into the Tunnels - Oct 2012
It's cold and I don't want to get out of bed....the sound of the coffee grinder does the trick though and knowing we'll be riding our bikes again today while most of my friends are working makes it that much easier.
We had brought both road bikes and mountain bikes with us. The plan was to ride mountain bikes on Thursday and do a nice long road ride on Friday but with the fun we had yesterday, none of us really wanted to ride the road today.
So, coffee in hand we logged on to the web and began to work on Plan B. We had originally talked about trying to ride the old train tunnels yesterday but instead decided to do a ride that started and ended at the house. Today, we decided to go with that plan and see how it worked out.
With breakfast finished, lunches made and a somewhat general idea of where we were headed, we drove to Donner Lake and began the ride. The ride starts with a pretty, but boring slog up the Old Donner Summit Hwy.

As we neared the top, the trail (very loose translation as it was more an idea of a trail) petered out and we jumped back on the road for a couple hundred yards until we again found a trailhead and a sign marker for some ancient petroglyphs.
Once we reached the trail, the rest of the ride should be mostly flat or downhill. Afterall, if a train went on it, it can't be too steep right? Yeah, we'll just see about that....
The next portion of the ride was one of the cooler things I've ridden. Granted it was a flat gravel road, but the experience of riding through abandoned train tunnels in all their dark spookiness was pretty darn cool.
short video here -
As a result, it wasn't too much further along that we decided to take an alternate route. (nope, we haven't learned anything from our previous adventures)
As we turned off from the nice easy route we were on, the reality of riding in the mountains kicked in. The trail went up.....and up.....and up some more. And, at about 7000ft elevation, air was scarce and my legs were screaming.
Soon enough, we decided that a break for lunch (and to stop my whining) was in order and we pulled off the trail at an overlook that had incredible views.
Sooner than I would have liked, lunch was over and the climbing began again. There was some discussion that eventually we had to reach the top and the ride down the other side would be awesome. and it was....until the trail the middle of nowhere....
Once again, we had managed to lose ourselves even though we had both a GPS, and a map. as you can see, if there's one thing we definitely excel at, it's getting lost. What may not be as apparent is that we're also getting pretty good at finding ourselves once we've done so.
The trail continued to descend. In some places, steeply and others with a nice mellow pace, until we found ourselves at what appeared to be the bottom of the mountain and somewhere near lake level. My heart and legs rejoiced knowing I was almost back to the van and it's ice chest full of cold drinks. Sadly, after another hour of wandering around the wilderness and thankfully in the right direction, we were still quite a ways from our starting point although we were back at Donner Lake. Unfortunately, at the complete opposite end of Donner Lake from where we needed to be....
After a nice smooth road ride through the campground and back around to the side of the lake where we started we finally put an end to another fantastic day on the's always better to be lost on a bike than found at work.....