One cartoon character that does really resonate well with me though, is Homer Simpson. Not because I particularly like the Simpsons, because I’ve never really been able to get into that, but there’s something very likable about a guy that understands the value of beer.
Granted his standards for beer are probably a little less finicky than mine, but still, he understands how important beer is to our lives.
I’ve looked at some of his more famous quotes and they fit in perfectly with situations I deal with weekly……
After a long hard ride where your brain is disconnected from your mouth….
Homer no function beer well without.
When frustrated because the part for your bike hasn’t come in and you can’t ride…
Beer... Now there's a temporary solution.
When facing a long tough climb that you don’t want to do and your brain is telling you to go back home…..
All right, brain. You don't like me and I don't like you, but let's just do this and I can get back to killing you with beer.
So, as you can clearly see, there are real indications that Homer was at some point in his life a mountain biker.
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