There’s a place in Pescadero called Phipps Farm and I can still remember them working their way up and down the aisles of Olallieberries, raspberries and blackberries with their little buckets… in the bucket, one in their mouth, one in the bucket and so on….At the end of the day they had purple fingers and purple stains around their mouths…
This year, I think we were still a little early in the season as Olallieberries were the only berries ripe enough to pick. It actually worked out better though since the hunt for the perfect berry is really the best part. If it had been any easier, we would have filled our buckets too quickly and been done in less time than it even took to drive there.
Besides, with Christina and Michelle treating it like the ultimate berry picking championship – not sure where they get their competitiveness - we soon had all 4 of our buckets full to over flowing.
The weather so far had been cool and cloudy. Usually June is a pretty nice month on the beach, but so far it was still sweatshirt weather. It obviously didn’t keep anyone home though as the beach at San Gregorio was busy with families picnicking, barbecuing and playing in the water….

A little while later, the sun went behind some clouds and the wind picked up so we decided that was our cue to head for home…..
You should have taken a picture of the finished cobbler before we gobbled it down like we hadn't eaten in a month, even though we just had that amazing steak dinner.
I was thinking that... but that would have involved putting down the fork and picking up the camera....
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