Ok, I guess that’s not fair, he knew where it was, he just didn’t realize it was so far off the track. (there Chris, that’s as good a retraction as you’re getting)
Anyway, they got up there early so when Deb and I arrived late Saturday night, they had our tent all set up with our cots and everything. (the boys even had a cold one waiting for me – if they weren't involved with my daughters, I could almost like those boys)
Saturday we pretty much hung out, took a little walk, read a bit and napped. The kids were much more energetic and went kayaking. That afternoon we played cards and then just before sunset, Michelle, Chris, Caleb and I went to Mirror Lake to take some pictures while Deb and the kids relaxed and started the bbq.

Afterwards, we celebrated Chris’ birthday with an angel food cake...luckily for us, his favorite cake was available at Safeway and didn't even need refrigeration.

Sunday, Michelle woke me at the crack of freakin dawn to get sunrise pictures. Granted I agreed to it the night before but in my defense I had had a couple of beers and to be honest, I never thought she’d actually get up that early…..

After packing up camp, we decided to head out through the opposite side of the park, stopping along the way to take pictures and check out some of the sites.
Lassen is an amazing park with few crowds and a really diverse ecosystem. We drove past lush forest, barren rock gardens, high mountain lakes and bubbling pots of sulfurous gas...

I’d love to get back here for a week so I could do some of the hikes and see more of the park…..
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