About this time every year, I’m usually whining about the rain and the cold and wishing for the nice weather.
Saturday dawned sunny and clear and, as usual, I woke up early. The only problem with being an early-riser, is that while I was all fired up and ready to start on my list of projects, the household, and the neighborhood were still asleep.
I had a long list of things I wanted to get done, the problem was, I couldn’t mow the lawns without being rude to everyone in the neighborhood, couldn’t get my haircut because they don’t open till 9:00, couldn’t trim the ivy since the trimmer is just as loud as the mower, couldn’t fertilize the lawn until after it was mowed, etc, etc, etc…..
So, I made coffee, turned on HGTV and watched programs about other people doing their projects. Funny, but it only adds to the stress to see other people getting projects done while you’re sitting on your couch...Eventually though, the rest of the world woke up and I was able to get started.
Like most people I know, I LOVE weekends. The only reason I even work is so that I can afford to have weekends, and, because it seems like it's been since forever that we've had good weather, this one was shaping up very nicely.
Saturday was a gorgeous day and I got all of my chores done. Lawn mowed - check, new bark in the planters - check, fertilize the lawn - check, trim and weed the beds - check...In addition, Caleb and I got this year’s batch of strawberries planted.

Planting strawberries is a fun project for us. (we’re boys and playing in the dirt is in our genes) We pull the old dead plants out of the planters, mix some fertilizer and compost in with the old dried up dirt and Caleb gets to pull the strawberries out of the cell packs and put them into their new home. I had considered going with seeds this year instead of cell packs, but decided we still weren’t at that level of patience quite yet. Maybe next year...
Of course, after any planting job, there's some cleanup involved...

I know it looks like I'm making Caleb do all the work, and I'm fully aware of our state's child labor laws, but I am management afterall....
Sunday, since the nice weather continued and since I have several big rides coming up that I'm supposed to be training for, I met up with Chris and Nick after church for a ride up Mt Hamilton.
The weather was sunny, but cool which is perfect for a day of climbing. We ended up with 38 miles and 4800ft of climbing which was about perfect for this time of year. My legs were definitely tired, but not destroyed.
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