Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Some days we're just not meant to ride.....

Ever have one of those days? It seems like the entire world is conspiring against you.
I’ve got the Solvang Century coming up in about 3 weeks and I’m nowhere near where I need to be in terms of fitness. For some people this is no big deal, but I'm one of those guys that tends to stress about things like that. I don't want to die on a ride, I don't even want to be miserable on a ride. I want to be in shape, comfortable and have fun on these types of rides.

(I want to be the guy that makes my friends suffer when we ride - not the other way around)

So, with the gorgeous weather and a meeting I have to attend at 7:30 for the Yes for Kids bond planning (, I figure I’ll go in to work even earlier so I can sneak out by 3:00.
I call my buddy Jerry and tell him to meet me at the lake at 4:00. We can do Sunnyslope and then the canyon which should give us some climbing and about 20 miles.(sunnyslope sounds like such a pleasant place and I'm sure it is, unless you're pedaling up it on a single speed bike)

Well, 2:45 rolls around and I start trying to wrap things up. Of course, about the same time, people start coming in to my office with things that have to be addressed. 3:00 comes and goes, 3:15 comes and goes and finally at about 3:30 I just up and leave.

Ok, so I’m not that far off schedule, I can still run home, change and get rolling. I’m driving home and notice the sticky note on my dash reminding me to pick up my father in law’s medicine. (argh!) Ok, so I’ll run by the pharmacy then get on the bike. That will probably add a half hour. That’s ok, as long as I’m pedaling by 4:30 I can still get a good ride in before dark. Besides this will make us kick up the pace a bit. Call Jerry, "hey I'm running a little late - see ya at 4:30"

I make it to the pharmacy in record time with no speeding tickets, run inside and get in a line that resembles the line from the Indiana Jones ride in Disneyland (aarrghh!) Waiting, waiting, waiting…..then Deb calls.
“hey did you pick up dad’s medicine?”
“um…no, I’m actually in line now”
“oh well, never mind, the doctor called and said for him to stop taking that one” (AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!! - of course that’s only in my head. I’ve found if you scream at the top of your lungs in public, people tend to look at you strangely)
“ok, honey no problem”.
Jump back in the truck, race home, change clothes, fill the water bottles, load the bike, drive like a madman (actually I obeyed every traffic law and never exceeded the speed limit. I would never condone breaking the law – ok, chris?), and screech into the parking lot at the lake at 4:29!
Jerry’s obviously been there a while since he’s all ready and waiting patiently. I get out of the truck, put on the shoes, helmet, gloves, grab the bike outta the back and …………

It’s then I realize I left the front wheel sitting in the garage....

As I watch Jerry get on his bike it’s obvious to me that I wasn’t meant to ride today. I don’t know why I wasn’t meant to ride. Or who decided I shouldn’t ride, but there’s no denying it. I’m am NOT riding today.

The evening wasn’t a total bust though. I stopped at Safeway and picked up a couple of steaks, went home fired up the bbq, spent some time with my daughter and grandson and relaxed for a bit before the meeting.

Tonight will be better...I just know it

1 comment:

Jer said...

I felt sorry for you until I re-read your quote, "(I want to be the guy that makes my friends suffer when we ride - not the other way around)"
PS: I was a really great ride!